Thursday, September 13, 2012

Experience helps with just about anything like when giving a speech, playing baseball, and so on. I know some of these things since I’ve had to do them.  First, well no body knows what to think when beginning something. Second, there comes practice. Third, there are the past experiences with the real thing.
When first beginning something, everyone gets the jitters because I did. I remember when I first started playing baseball. I was so scared of the ball because it flew by me so quick, especially on the pitching machine at six years old. Why? I didn’t really have any background in baseball. I barely knew how to swing the bat.
Practice can also be a little scary when you first start. You always kind of have those second thoughts. I defiantly had second thoughts when the kid in front of me came off the field crying because he got hit so hard.  Again, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I first started playing football. When you begin to practice, that’s when you start to get a feel for things and stuff kind of starts making since.
The real experience is the hardest. Practice and a real game are very different things. The more I experienced the ball going by me in baseball, the more I got a feel for it and started focusing not on getting hit by the ball, but actually hitting the ball.
The way experience can help you in life is when you’re tempted. When you are tempted and you experience it, you know. When you know, you can stop some of the temptation by stop doing this or stop going here and tempting yourself. The more you experience something, the better the understanding is.

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